Mastermind E-war

Where good and bad RPGs and E-wars go to die.

Re: Mastermind E-war

Postby C S » Fri Jan 14, 2011 9:46 pm

Two large panels split and slide apart on the side of the craft with a low mechanical hum that was lost in the jungle. From out of the two bays, several small craft flew out. Their shape could be compared to a meat cleaver, a large, bulky main body with two swiveling jet engines on the sides, and one fixed engine in the relatively slender tail in the back. The craft were black and had a sheen in the sunlight. The harvesters flew out to the areas procured by the scouts. "Harvesters deployed. Scouts return to ship. Departure in less hour!" A high pitched Hai'Orakian voice messaged to the vehicles spread out in the remote jungle. If things went according to plan, then the exploration craft would have come and gone without anyone knowing what went on...
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Re: Mastermind E-war

Postby UndeadRaptor » Fri Jan 14, 2011 9:51 pm

A couple of small artillery pieces were soon moved to the alien craft aswell, the guns fixed on it incase of an attack. A couple of patrols followed the new ships, watching them to make sure no attack behind the Carigus defensive lines were made-especially not on the farmers that lived in the area...
"What's the plan?!" - random soldier, Mud and Blood 2.

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Re: Mastermind E-war

Postby C S » Fri Jan 14, 2011 10:02 pm

"The indigeonous people have caught onto us" A Hai'Orakian in the craft's bridge reported to the others, the small white figure sitting amongst a line of 7 others, each working a console. They each wore dark blue uniforms with golden stripes over their shoulders. "It doesnt matter much now" Another replied. "The harvesters have started their mission. Our time on this planet is coming to an end"

By now, the scouts were driving up the ship's ramp, and the harvesters reaching their way points. The airships started hovering over the tree tops, the crafts' tails folding down so that all three jets pointed downwards. At the front of the harvesters was a strange, dark cavity. The opening lit up as the harvester's powered up, a bright white light shining from it. A few moments later, a bright beam of light shone onto the jungle below, the sweeping energy breaking down the trees and other resources below and taking it into the harvester. A few large harvesters hovered over lakes, an actual hose and high power pump being used to drain them...
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Re: Mastermind E-war

Postby UndeadRaptor » Fri Jan 14, 2011 10:06 pm

As the patrols quickly began to see this, they immediately either opened fire upon the harvesters, or rode off to the capital to inform the king of this new threat. The commander had soon seen this happen aswell, and shouted to those on the ground with him, "open fire! Bring their vehicles down, now!" Soon, the soldiers were firing at the harvesters as the commander leapt onto one of the larger Saurugans, his personal one, and was soon leading the riders to the jungle, while the artillery crews fired armor-piercing rounds at the alien craft itself. The entire village that was within the part of the jungle that was harvested was now completely gone, devoid of all life besides the jungle animals that scattered and ran to the other part of the jungle itself...
"What's the plan?!" - random soldier, Mud and Blood 2.

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Re: Mastermind E-war

Postby C S » Fri Jan 14, 2011 10:15 pm

The harvestors that were attacked brought their beams down upon their attackers, swiftly eliminating the threat while still gathering useful material for the ship. The large spaceship however did not retaliate. Its shields were raised after the first attacks, and would keep them up until the operation was complete. Until then, the ship's energy cannons were being primed for fire.
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Re: Mastermind E-war

Postby UndeadRaptor » Fri Jan 14, 2011 10:18 pm

The soldiers continued blasting at the large craft and the harvesters to save their home, as the air force soon arrived just as Hurgo finished calling them up. Missiles were launched at the unsuspecting harvesters, while laser fire attacked the alien craft itself. The commander and his group, on the other hand, were too busy trying to reach the capital before the attackers could and warn the kingdom...
"What's the plan?!" - random soldier, Mud and Blood 2.

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Re: Mastermind E-war

Postby C S » Fri Jan 14, 2011 10:38 pm

Damaged harvesters quickly removed themselves from the battle, their primary objective now was to bring their cargo back to the main craft. Others however, quickly took advantage of their great maneuverabillity, pursuing their attackers and consuming them in the bright sweeping beams. Harvesters that were critically damaged fell out of the sky as burning wrecks, crashing intlo the general areas where ground forces were. The failure of the matter converters quickly resulted in large explosions that ripped through the jungle...

The main ship's shields were being worn down by the attacks, meaning that the energy cannons were being aimed into the jungle where the streaks of energy were flying, pelting the barrier. It was just a matter of time now
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Re: Mastermind E-war

Postby UndeadRaptor » Fri Jan 14, 2011 10:43 pm

A few bombers rushed in, using their speed to attack the main craft swiftly before breaking off from the battle. Some fighters went crashing down in balls of fire as if they were hit by missiles during the battle, but more soon came and raced towards the harvesters, firing missiles and lasers at them. The ground forces soon pulled out, as a massive destroyer broke through the atmosphere and started charging it's main cannon...
"What's the plan?!" - random soldier, Mud and Blood 2.

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Re: Mastermind E-war

Postby C S » Fri Jan 14, 2011 11:00 pm

The shield was suddenly dropped as the bulk of the harvesters returned, slipping into the bays on the sides of the craft. Most of them had gathered a lot of raw materials, and several lakes were drained dry in the run. When the ground forces retreated and the destroyer appeared, the large craft aimed its already fully charged cannons up, locking onto the destroyer's main weapon as it started to take off. The jet ports on the ship's underside blared to life, blowing the soil and vegetation away from the ship. The ramp and bay doors slid back into place, shutting as the ship prepared to leave
Last edited by C S on Sat Jan 15, 2011 1:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Mastermind E-war

Postby UndeadRaptor » Fri Jan 14, 2011 11:04 pm

The destroyer had fired off the first shot, hitting the engines of the ship in an attempt to keep it from escaping so quickly. Many small ponds, swamps and lakes within the remains of the jungle were still filled with life, and the ocean itself was completely full at the moment. The soldiers rushed further through the remains of the jungle, which was still somewhat large even after the attack. A few white clouds drifted through the sky as the destroyer started going up with the alien spacecraft, soon mostly matching it's altitude...
Last edited by UndeadRaptor on Fri Jan 14, 2011 11:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"What's the plan?!" - random soldier, Mud and Blood 2.

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Re: Mastermind E-war

Postby Godzilla Forever » Fri Jan 14, 2011 11:38 pm

"MOTHER's" ship hurtles towards the colony, before it slams into the planet. Her pod opens, and she steps out. A sheekh is there to greet her. "Hello, 0261. We have much to show you." The prototype nods and follows the Sheekh towards a scene of death. Lying there is the corpse of a Sheekh, ripped to peices by something. "We've been finding people like this for weeks," the Sheekh says. "However, the thing has recently been attacking military figures. We have pinpointed where it lives, but we need you to take it out." "MOTHER" nods. The sheekh says, "The creature is believed to live in the run down area of the city. No one's lvied there for years, so it'd make sense that it would need to eat something." The prototype growls in reply before she begins heading towards the run down area. It should be an easy mission for the Ghru'lok to accomplish.....

The general heads into the council's chamber before bowing and saying, "0261 will take care of the problem, elder Sheekhs." "We have somethnig for you to do as well, Rukh," a counciul member says. "Yes. We require you to head farther into unknown territory..... explore a bit. Claim more territory for our people." "Already?" Rukh replies. "We took a planet but a few weeks ago, and we already need another?" "Our people's numbers grow explonentially every day, Rukh," a member says. "We will eat up all our supplies if we take too long." "If you insist....." Rukh says. "I will go gather the legion for combat." The general gets up and heads out to get his troops......
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Re: Mastermind E-war

Postby C S » Sat Jan 15, 2011 1:05 am

The ship shook with the impact, being knocked off course a bit but quickly stabilized. Streaks of green accompanied by flashes of light suddenly took life in the skies, the Orakian ship unleashing its fully charged barrage onto the destroyer. Several shots slammed into the ship's cannon, crackling green energy rippling across it. The damage would make the charge time for the second shot longer. With that, the ship regained its heading and the thruster vents underneath the ship closed, the main engine blasting to life and sending the exploration craft hurdling out to space...
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Re: Mastermind E-war

Postby UndeadRaptor » Sat Jan 15, 2011 1:07 am

The rest of the space fleet soon opened fire upon the escaping ship with their defensive weapons, while the destroyer's main gun took heavy damage, part of the barrel becoming broken as it jammed. The large vehicle's front end was flaming in some areas, but it managed to hold and started flying back to orbit...
"What's the plan?!" - random soldier, Mud and Blood 2.

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Re: Mastermind E-war

Postby C S » Sat Jan 15, 2011 1:14 am

The craft raised its shields again, the barrier taking the blunt of the weapon fire that it was met with, with several shots managing to hit their makr before it was lifted again. With the harvesting operation a sucess, the Orakian ship pointed away from the bulk of the fleet. The main engine let out a powerful pulse of thrust, a bright light being all the armada could see as the the ship shot off to the next star...
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Re: Mastermind E-war

Postby UndeadRaptor » Sat Jan 15, 2011 1:16 am

The firing soon ceased, as fighters flew out of the massive carriers within the fleet, before jumping into hyper-space after the alien craft. The commander, tired along with his mount by the time he reached the capital building, crawled up the staircase, tired and somewhat weak as he went to inform the kingdom's emperor of the attack, a couple of soldiers helping him out...
"What's the plan?!" - random soldier, Mud and Blood 2.

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Re: Mastermind E-war

Postby C S » Sat Jan 15, 2011 1:28 am

"They are in hot pursuit of us" an Orakian on the bridge reported, its featureless face locked on the console screen. "We should suprise them" Another replied. "Cannons being primed for fire once more, switching to burst-fire" One more said. The craft by now was nearing a large red star, arcs of plasma flaring off its surface.
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Re: Mastermind E-war

Postby UndeadRaptor » Sat Jan 15, 2011 1:32 am

The ships were nearing the alien craft now, the pilots preparing to shut down the hyper-drive while waiting for their opponents to do the same. Hurgo finally burst into the capital building after some time, panting as he said, "sir... a farming village... was just attacked, and destroyed," WHAT?!?!" was the reply of the emperor as he stood, before asking, who or what were the things that attacked?!" "They were small aliens shaped like pins, appearently. Should we try and attack them?" "Once we find their homeworld... do it then," soon replied after a moment of silence...
"What's the plan?!" - random soldier, Mud and Blood 2.

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Re: Mastermind E-war

Postby C S » Sat Jan 15, 2011 1:45 am

The craft returns to normal speed several thousand miles away from the burning giant. It swings itself about, the spires along its side aiming at the incoming fighters, while the side bays open once more...
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Re: Mastermind E-war

Postby UndeadRaptor » Sat Jan 15, 2011 1:48 am

The two squads of fighters quickly stopped aswell, going at a still fast pace, missiles and lasers beginning to crash into the alien ship or began moving towards it at extremely fast rates. "Sir, I believe we found the alien homeworld!" a pilot exclaimed over his long-range communicator to the commander, who used the same device and soon nodded, before saying to the emperor, "seems we should prepare the fleet." "Indeed," the man said, "go rally up our forces! I want you to leave 2,000 soldiers here, however, commander..."
"What's the plan?!" - random soldier, Mud and Blood 2.

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Re: Mastermind E-war

Postby C S » Sat Jan 15, 2011 1:58 am

The wave of attacks simply crash against the craft's shields, exploding against the barrier, which is dropped after. The spires swing about continuously, keeping up with most of the fighters with ease. Soon they start firing, green orbs of plasma flying through space and smashing into the fighters. The sheer number of cannons openign fire at once and the ammount of plasma they launch make the area around the ship extremely dangerous, with several ships already destroyed by the sudden onslaught. Unknownst to the leaders of the jungle planet, this star system is not home to the Orakians, but just one of many bases across the galaxy. If the craft was being tracked and pursued, they would only meet the guns of other Orakian ships situated around the star.
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