Splinter Cell: The Eagle Flys At MidNight

Have you got a game, book or movie you'd like to make a story out of? Want to expand on a story or plot that stopped? Have an original idea for a story that you want to post somewhere? Here's where to do it. Basically an RPG where one player controls ALL characters in the story.

Splinter Cell: The Eagle Flys At MidNight

Postby C S » Thu Aug 09, 2007 3:41 pm

Chapter 1: Splinter Cell Operation Stealthy Sweep

"GO GO GO!" A man in a black suit said. His suit was that of a ninja, it had a belt with holsters to hold pistols and combat knives. An AK-47 sniper rifle was strapped to his back. He was yelling at other men in the same suits, inside a helicopter. ""Get inside the building, plant the bugs, and get out!" He yelled. The helicopter hovered in place as the man handed out parachutes in a black leather bag, with a form a book bag. The commander of the little squad of men took the AK-47 off of his back and layed it on a bench that stuck out of the wall of the helicopter. There was a red light, used to help the men see without disrupting their ability to see in the dark. They didn't need that ability when they hit the target, they had special head set with a comunicater, night vision, heat vison and electromagnetic vision to see the countless obsticals that littered the mission area. The helicoter needed to maintain stealth, and that is why they used the light.The commander put on his parachute and held his gun in his hand, getting ready for the mission.There was no moon out, the clouds seemed to stay in place as if time it self had stopped. The men jumped out of the black helicopter, skydiving to a little light about 400 feet below. In minutes, they were about 50 feet from the ground. "Parachutes open!" The commander said as he pulled the rope, the black stealthy parachute immediatly ballooning up. He men glided down to the target, a research lab which has been said to be illegally making biological war fare mateirials to sell to countries in war, for a hefty price. "Head sets, down." The commander whispered as he scouted along for any gaurds or security systems.The commander took out his lock pick that he kept in his shirt pocket. He meticulously picked at the lock before it suddenly swung open. He went inside the building. He put down the black head set which wrapped around his head with a strap running over his scalp. There was 3 optical inhancing lenses, 2 lenses to look through, 1 extra one that had 3 settings on it:Night vision, heat vision, Electromagnetic vision. The turned the setting to night vision. In an instant, his color of view was a bright greenish grainy color. He saw things he couldn't see 2 feet away. He moved slowly through a hallway that seemed to have white walls in color with a stright red line at the bottom that lined both sides of the hallway. There were plants with vines dangling down that hanged from the ceiling of the hall way. The other men followed the leader, they also had their night vision on. The commander turned to face them. He said "Ok, you two," He pointed to 2 men and pointed to a door that said "Virus Testing lab". "Plant the bugs in there, Thats the top priority." He said. "Every one else, split up and investigate the building. The facility was supposedly closed 2 hours ago, the next work shift is in 2 hours from now. Gather as much data as possible" He siad.....

Chapter 2: Splinter Cell Extraction

"Every one to the roof!" The cammander yelled into his communicater. He was in the security room, looking through the tapes taken from the Virus Testing Lab. He saw some scientists approaching the door, escorted by some gun men. "Dammit" He whispered under his breath. He opened the door and waked into the hall way. He saw his men running by, some holding papers, viles and charts. He whispered into his communicater "Any one left behind?" In case someone was still in side the building and was near the gun men. He got a reply. "I'm trapped" The man whispered. "Where are you?" The commander replied. "Im in the ....let me see...." Animal Testing Chamber" He told the commander. "OK" The commander said as he pulled out a ventilation block. He crawled into the dusty shaft, following a map of the facility he had on his PDA. It wasn't long until he was in the Animal Testing Chamber. He unhinged the block and put it aside.The shaft was in the walll connected to the ceiling. He was about to jump when he saw a tan gun man with a leather black jacket and green jeans with black stripes walk under the ventilation shaft. The gun man said "EH! THERE IS A SPY!!!!!!!!!" He then shot the man. At that moment, the commander jumped onto the gun man and knocked him out. He then took his gun. "I'm getting you out of here!" He said as he grabbed the wounded man and ran out of the door. He ran to the left, down the hallway and up the stairs. "Leave...me, I'm just holding you down..." The man said. The commander then said "I'm not letting you die here!" He ran to the right and up another flight of stairs. He then rammed a door, slamming it open. He was on the roof, he saw the other men. At that moment, gun fire echoed. The gun men were running up the stairs. "Men gaurd that door!" The commander yelled as he signaled the helicopter to desend to them. The men started shooting in a furious storm. The commander yelled "Come on! Lets get the hellout of here!" He then grabbed a small gun and shot it at he helicopter. It was a grappeling hook, the rest of the men shot their grappeling hooks onto the helicopter. The black chopper took off as the gun men ran up to the roof. The men reeled in their lines and were lifted into the chopper by the co-pilot. The commander got into the helicopter and layed the injured man on the bench. "We need to get back to base as fast as possible!" He yelled The man was bleeding sevearly. He had a bullet wound in his right leg. The commander's name is Sam Fisher...a Splinter Cell.

Chapter 3: Solo Mission

"Sam, we got alot of data from operation Stealthy Sweep but not enough to support the claim that the facility is making bio-wepons to help countries in war for money. Now there is an even greater claim that makes ME scared. There is more than one of those facilities, all across the world. Rumor has it there creating small bomb sized nuclear wepons. We need you to infiltrate the HQ of the facilities and hack in to the main computer network. From there, we will be able to see any last orders they shipped out and to whom." The person speaking's name was Bradfet Lambert, Leader of the Exscailaber3 top-secret CIA orginization, leader of the specialy trained splinter cells, Spys that get into operation, get information, and when given the all clear....destroy it.Their best splinter cell is Sam Fisher, commander of group KZ345, the elite group.Lambert was a light brown man that always wore a black buisiness shirt with a white vest inside and navy blue pants. He wore black shoes too. He had aliite round around the stomach area as well. "OK" Sam said as he exited the breifing room that looked like a court, with a podeum on a stage, 2 american flags with golden eagles on the top of the flag pole and a couple of seats in front of the podeum to fit an entire grup of Splinter Cell Operatives. Unlike the rest of operatives, Sam was the only one chosen to do missions by him self. Sam waslked down a hall way that looked like one of a hospital. White walls, tiles and lights. He came to a finger print scanner security terminal that was on his left side. Sam put his thumb onto the scanner, opening a retangular door that moved apart from the middle in a"woosh" of air. Sam walked down a hall way identical to the last until he came up to a retina scanner that was also on this left side. Sam put his head down and put his left eye onto the scanner. Sam had dark black eyes that, like most of the equipment that he wears, blend into the darkness. A door opened the same was as the last and Sam entered the equipment room, the storage area for all of the latest spy equipment, suits and most importantly, wepons....

Chapter 4: Enroute

Sam picked up a yellow envelope that was on a white wooden table. "Mission Stats.." Sam read as he opened the envelope. There was a small peice of paper that listed the main objectives of his mission. "Get list of buyers, no casualties..." Sam read. He couldn't kill anyone on the this mission. It would not only blow the operation, but the facilty might cover it's tracks by destroying the wepons or hand it off to another company to finish. Also on the wooden table was the equipment Lambert chose to give Sam for the mission. In the pile of equipment was a small pistol loaded with 50 rubber bullets to knock an enemy out. There was also 10 EMP bullets, used to disable electronic devices. Sam was also given a flash grenade which makes a bright flash of light 2 seconds after being thrown. The flash would disorient any enemy in his way. Another grenade he was given was the smoke grenade which makes a dark cloud of smoke which confuses an enemy and prevents him from seeing. Lastly, there was the classic head set. Sam turned around and saw the suit he was going to wear in the mission. It wasn't his ussuall black suit. It was white with light grey and black army camoflauge. It also had a belt to hold his equipment. Sam put on his suit, loaded up on his equipment, except for his head set which was in his left hand and walked out of the room and through a door left of it. He ran up the stairs, putting the head set on just before he reached the top. He opened the door that lead to the roof, where a helipad awaited him. On the helipad was what looked like a Bi-plane with one set of wings, instead of 3 fins on the tail, there were 2 retangular fin pointing vertically about 2 feet apart and connected by another horrozontal fin. On the wings were giant propellers that spun slowly awaiting take off when Sam boarded it. The plane it self was painted black to maintain stealth. Sam ran into the plane from the back end which had a ramp that folded into the tail of the plane. Upon take off, the propellers, that were horrozontal moved vertically and the plane took off like a helicopter. They were then tilted 20 degres horrozontally before going the rest of the 160 degrees. Sam's mission took place in Greenland, the HQ for the facilty Bio-Ingenuity

Chapter 5: Outside, Port side....

"Sam?" Lambert asked. "Yes?" Sam replied, speaking into his communications watch. "The base is not really a building" Lambert began. "It's a ship" He finished. Sam sighed and asked "This won't be like what happened in Russia will it?" "No. All you have to do is go in. get the route of this ship. Lambert out." Lambert replied. Sam lowered his hand, pulled out his AK-47 and slowly walked through the snow which was deep to his knees. The snow crunched slightly as he walked Sam looked about, carefull to spot any thing that would alert the ship of his pressense. He was in a rvine surrounded by mountains. Sam parrachuted to this area. Ahead, Sam could see a faint outline ofhis objective. "Bingo" He whispered. He slowly ran over to te dock the ship was anchored near. He pulled out a grappeling gun and shot it up at the bridge of the ship. It was a painted black metal exteiror, red painted hull and the main structure was painted white. In the night fog, it looked only grey. Sam rappelled against the wall until he jumped onto the wooden deck. It was wet for some reason. Suddenly, Sam heard someone approaching, whistleing. They had on a white apron, probably someone who handled the Bio-wepons Escaliber were after...
Last edited by C S on Sun Sep 30, 2007 6:57 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Postby Doc 42 » Thu Aug 09, 2007 3:58 pm

Ohhh I like it. Cant wait for it to continue. Very discriptive, I can really imagine the surroundings. However I was slightly confused when it jumped from them parachuting to them inside the facility.
Doc 42
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Postby C S » Thu Aug 09, 2007 4:01 pm

In minutes, they were about 50 feet from the ground. "Parachutes open!" The commander said as he pulled the rope, the black stealthy parachute immediatly ballooning up. He men glided down to the target, a research lab which has been said to be illegally making biological war fare mateirials to sell to countries in war, for a hefty price. "Head sets, down." The commander whispered as he scouted along for any gaurds or security systems.

that clears up your confusion hopefully
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Postby Doc 42 » Thu Aug 09, 2007 4:08 pm

no, it was just that they were landing at the facility then they were in some hallway. It was just slightly confusing.
Doc 42
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Postby C S » Thu Aug 09, 2007 4:20 pm

"Head sets, down." The commander whispered as he scouted along for any gaurds or security systems.The commander took out his lock pick that he kept in his shirt pocket. He meticulously picked at the lock before it suddenly swung open. He went inside the building. He put down the black head set which wrapped around his head with a strap running over his scalp. There was 3 optical inhancing lenses, 2 lenses to look through, 1 extra one that had 3 settings on it:Night vision, heat vision, Electromagnetic vision. The turned the setting to night vision. In an instant, his color of view was a bright greenish grainy color. He saw things he couldn't see 2 feet away. He moved slowly through a hallway that seemed to have white walls in color with a stright red line at the bottom that lined both sides

i edited it to make the transition clearer
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Postby Doc 42 » Thu Aug 09, 2007 4:25 pm

Great, much clearer now. At first I wasnt sure if they were still outside when they put down their headsets. So thats my only criticism off the chart. Cant wait for to continue
Doc 42
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Postby C S » Sun Sep 30, 2007 6:54 pm

Chapter 5 is up!
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