A little hint from me: NEVER mention anything that may suggest that you like terrorists in front of me. Arabs in general have an intense dislike of terrorists that probably makes the US's hatred of them look like a joke. I'm one of the EXTREMELY angered Arabs who just wishes he could lay his hands on Ossama bin Laden and beat the life out of him for what he's done to us. He's actually done more to us than he has to the US. He blew up some buildings. Although i feel the loss of those people, what hurts even more is that now, some people blame us for it! My aunt in the US, in Cleveland to be exact, has been living there for 15 years now, and since Sept. 11th, she's been treated terribly, because people stereotype the Arabs, who, before that, were considered among the closest of allies with the US, as terrorists. Add to that it's made us the bad guys in the eyes of the world. people in Palestine get atacked by the Israelis because of having better resources. who's supported? Israel. Who's the Bad guy? Palestine, considering the fact that it was Israel that started it. Israel attacks Lebanon. who gets the support? Israel again. Egypt starts reinforcing their borders to keep them safe. who's marked as the threat? Egypt. AND, it takes the attention off all the OTHER terrorists around the world, and focuses on the so called "Islamic Extremists" who dont follow Islam at all! the guys in places like Thailand, China, India, the USA, and other places around the world, have been ignored just because the fools who claim to be "fighting in god's name", Jihad [which, contrary to what you guys understand, is NOT about strapping yourself with dynamite and blowing yourself up. it's fighting in god's name, and it usually isn't violent! it can be anything from learning, to spreading the religion through preaching, to protecting the Islamic nation from enemies, depending on what's best for you, usually learning in foreign countries and letting other people know about what the islamic religion and personality is all about, and what it is to be a muslim. I, as im talking to you, am doing a type of "Jihad", by letting you know what the opinion of a Muslim is], while in fact, are just bringing fame and glory to their leader [Look at Napoleon, Attila the Hun, Genghiskhan, Hitler. what do they all have in common? they were very large scale terrorists, opperssing millions of people in their search for glory, and terrorizign everyone they could reach with the threat of taking over their country], and are originally people recruited in the oppressed Islamic Countries [like Lebanon and Palestine lately], told that they can get back at the people who caused them so much pain. they have nothing to lose, so they blow themselves to pieces without a care in the world. So, Crusher, Even mentioning something like that as a joke is basically dumping yourself in an incinerator with me around.....keep that in mind...