Skull Island RPG

Where good and bad RPGs and E-wars go to die.

Postby C S » Thu Apr 24, 2008 2:50 am

Screen forced him self off, the drirt crumbling off of him. He walked about the territory, seeing if he didnt run into that V-rex, this was home. He looked at the stomped carrior, looking back and fourth and slammed his jaws on it, continueing his feast.
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Postby dinoman666 » Thu Apr 24, 2008 2:51 am

OOC: He wasn't running, just annoying the Venatosaurs.

Interfectus continued on, keeping out of reach of the vengeful Venatosaurs with his new meal. he was a little annoyed by the pack's unnecessary persistence, but he couldn't really do much about it.
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Postby Legendary Elite » Thu Apr 24, 2008 2:56 am

OoC: Oh ok, I apologize for the inconvienience, it won't happen again.

Deathfang and Slashspite made a leap at the same time and landed on the Carver's back, Deathfang quickly bit down on the animals' neck whilst digging his claws and toe claws into the animal, furiously. Deathfang was not about to let his kill go to waste over nothing...
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Postby C S » Thu Apr 24, 2008 3:00 am

Screen finished eating his carrion. He smealt a threat and moved into a thicket of trees and what looked like a stone structure, made by what seem as human enginuity. Screen looked as this as a shelter from the V-rex, and slept.
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Postby Anaclagon » Thu Apr 24, 2008 3:00 am

Tyrant moved slowly through the jungle as he slowly moved...behind this rock cliff formation were the sounds of carnivores eating a carcess. The massive V-Rex then made his move as he moved quickly as his massive feet easily went on as he ran through the uneven ground of Skull Island as Tyrant made a terrifying apperance as he unleashed a terrifying roar, displaying his sheer size and power as his jaws were fully his size scared of the smaller carnivores eating which were nothing more then a sub spiecies of a ventosaur just smaller. Tyrant dashed foward, catching one of the creatures with his massive jaws as he crushed the tiny creature as he swallowed the creature whole with ease as he roared to further scare of the pack.

Tyrant then continued walking through the jungle as his massive body broke through tree as his feet continued to pound into the ground. He had a feeling it would rain soon again but he did not care the moment as he went on walking through the forest, snarling. He prefered to catch his prey and kill them instead of scavenging...

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Postby TyrannoTitan » Thu Apr 24, 2008 3:04 am

Destivus stopped suddenly. Loud sounds and the smell of blood came to him, a fight of some sort probably. The massive Vastosaurus turned and lumbered off toward the source of the noise, the sounds coming from just inside his territory, not far from another section of jungle bordering his territory. He controlled one of many lowland areas scattered around the island, but many creatures continued to invade it. He didn't mind small predators or any kind of herbivores, but large carnivores and packs of venatosaurus were threats he had to dispose of. As Destivus neared, the sounds became more farmiliar, one of a group of angry Venatosaurs, the other of another creature he wasn't exactly sure what it was. Stopped, he scented the air, finally identifying the creature as a Craver, a large predator that was as much of threat to him as another Vrex. Both in his territory. Destivus barred his massive teeth, charging off toward the source, the struggling creatures now in sight, a kill near them. The massive Vrex slowed to a stop as he neared, unleashing an earth shaking roar to intimidate them, furious that they had the nerve to enter his territory.

Postby Legendary Elite » Thu Apr 24, 2008 3:10 am

Deathfang continued to grapple with the Carver, tightening on the Creature's neck as hard as ever, he wanted that kill badly. There was no way he would let it get away but just then he heard a roar. As he grappled on the Carver's back he saw a V-Rex approaching...very quickly. Deathfang shrieked "Slashspite run there's a V-Rex coming...Slashspite?" he hissed realizing that Slashspite was no longer attacking the Carver and had jumped off to his sudden realization as he looked back. The Venatosaur pack was already running off, leaving him still caught on the back of the Carver....
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Postby Anaclagon » Thu Apr 24, 2008 3:30 am

Tyrant continued to roam through the jungle...all sorts of creatures were hiding in the thick jungle...they did not intend at all on meeting this V-Rex at all especially when it did not mind on having a snack or killing just because he wanted to. His jaws unleashed a mild roar as he continued to walk around. He rose his head above the tree's standing at full height as this part of the jungle was considered "low" He was about a 150 yards walk back into the low lands once more. The V-Rex continued to scout through territories looking for his future mate and the perfect poistion to raise them. The lowlands were fine but he felt they where too open...if he could find a heavily secured part in the jungle and swamp area close to a river or water hole...thats where he intended on raising them. Sure other carnivores where a problem but no matter what he had no intention on allowing his mate or hatchlings to get injured. A true display of his anger and rage may have been needed to truely show those that if they were to even threaten his family he strike back with absuolute brutality.

Tyrant continued to walk on through the jungle...securing this part of the border. This jungle border was seemingly clear. They may have been raptors around but they havent attacked yet. Tyrant walked looking for another meal prehaps, a light snack. If anything any carnivores he deemed dangerous where to be chased down and killed. Prehaps he was too ruthless and agressive with attacking multiple targets constantly but he learned the hard way if he was to let his guard down..
Last edited by Anaclagon on Thu Apr 24, 2008 3:55 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby C S » Thu Apr 24, 2008 3:32 am

Screen woke up. He yawned and roared angrilly at the ruckuss. He buried himself agian, hissing angrilly and forcing himself to sleep.
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Postby Legendary Elite » Thu Apr 24, 2008 4:13 am

OOC: I will have to go soon so I may make this my last post for today, sorry guys. Blast you DM for leaving us hanging (unless you have a good excuse of course)

Deathfang immediately fell off as he went smack into a low branch and fell off the Carver and hit the ground with a thud! before getting back up and trying to find his surroundings. He angrily hissed at letting the Carver get away but at least it hadn't walked freely without several painful wounds. He quickly made his way back towards the pack...
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Postby Anaclagon » Thu Apr 24, 2008 4:25 am

OOC: I got to go as well...last post

After some long minutes of patrolling the territory, Tyrant found himself walking through the lowlands. He moved rather quickly as he needed some decent sleep as he walked through the open plains heading for his usual sleeping spot.

After bashing a tree out of his way and several more minutes of walking through the jungle, the massive V-Rex entered his little shelter. A small predator looking for food was alarmed by Tyrant's presence as he unleashed a fierce roar to scare of the smaller predator. Lying down in a soft patch of grass...Tyrant got into a comfortable poistion as he shutted his eyes.

This was when normally raptors made their move but he needed all the rest he could get at the moment...shutting his eyes, Tyrant surrended to sleep.

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Postby Iceking » Thu Apr 24, 2008 11:20 am

Bone breaker had now reached the southern area of his territory and just as he was about to begin to check the area, he picked up the scent of a venotosaurus(black fang), He began to follow it and he could now tell that it was close and getting closer. The v-rex was suprised it was only one as venotosaur's usually were in packs.
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Postby dinoman666 » Thu Apr 24, 2008 11:37 am

Interfectus shook himself irritably and disappeared into the jungle with his catch. The V. rex would be unlikely to try and attack him.
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Postby Anaclagon » Thu Apr 24, 2008 2:02 pm

Tyrant woke up as once more it began to rain...roars from other V-Rexes echoed through the island. They were too far off for him to be his neighbor but V-Rexes in the morning did tend to roar all over the island to make their claims. Snarling in annoyance, Tyrant got up as he shook his body as he began to leave his sheltered area as he began to walk through the jungle once more. After ripping his way out of the forest with a mild roar. Tyrant looked around as he snarled before he stepped back and unleashed a booming terrirotial roar that itself echoed for miles to make his claim and to show that intruders will be attacked...Tyrant then pressed foward, jaws ready as he prepared to kill the next creature that bothered him and at the same time kill any intruders..

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Postby Raptor Llama » Thu Apr 24, 2008 3:44 pm

Red Scale opened his eyes. He was hearing some commotion about a mile from his location. Roaring and running and whatnot. He looked at his surroundings, then hazily closed his eyes and went back to sleep.
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Thu Apr 24, 2008 5:18 pm

Destivus snorted as he moved forward, slamming his foot down on the kill as he unleashed another piercing roar, enforcing his dominance over the territory. He sliced into the fresh meat hungrily, the venatosaur before not enough to satisfy him. Destivus lifted his head, a ragged piece of meat hanging from his mouth as he swallowed it, continueing to consume the corpse viciously.

Postby Anaclagon » Thu Apr 24, 2008 5:31 pm

Tyrant walked through the open plains as he looked for his breakfest, everytime food was avalible it should have been taken and wasting food was not a smart idea. The massive V-Rex roamed through the plains of his open lowlands territory as he walked on through the high grass as he snarled. He sniffed the air as another dead body was off, most likely in his neighbor's territory but a closer one was in the forest ahead of him. Tyrant walked in as he snarled as re-entered the another jungle in his territory as he followed a river down stream. It took him into some ruins but the body was getting closer as he followed the river, walking down a path as the river widended. Getting deeper into the jungle, the ankle high water led to some swamp like areas but through the holes within the thick jungle was a dead creature, it was a predator but a juvinile V-Rex was fighting off two adult ventosaurs at the same time. The V-Rex was slightly larger then both of them but it was still small and it was still outnumbered against these two fierce foes.

Tyrant moved slowly as his body matched perfect with the jungle around him as he sniffed the air, eyes focused as he snarled lowly as he prepared to charge. As the younger V-Rex was backed up against a tree as the two adults closing in on him prepared for the finisher. However darting foward, Tyrant unleashed a booming roar as he dashed out into the clearing as he snatched up one of the ventosaur's in his immense jaws, crushing the body as he dropped it. Tyrant looked at the V-Rex and the other raptor as he unleashed another booming roar in their faces as they both fled in oppisite directions. Driving them off, Tyrant sank his massive jaws into the body of his prey, ripping out giant chunks of meat out of the dead predator...

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Postby C S » Thu Apr 24, 2008 7:10 pm

Screen wasnt too far away, concealing himslef under ground. He watched the predator carefully, making a plan to drive it from it's kill.
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Thu Apr 24, 2008 8:34 pm

Destivus had now almost skeletalized the kill, now full and content as he layed down under a few large trees, a few feet from the corpse. He layed his massive head on the ground, eyes shutting as he relaxed, awake and listening for any signs of danger...

Postby C S » Thu Apr 24, 2008 8:39 pm

Screen smiled, he did have to think anymore. He rose up from the dirt and walked silently to the kill, He picked up the corpse composed mainly of bones with a soft hissing laugh. He then picked up the pace as he walked back to his shelter, his tail making a scraping sound as it raked over some leaves. The Foetodon stopped in shack and darted back to his tree home.
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